Friday, October 29

Megan VS Facebook

Recently, as some of you may have noticed,  I deactivated my facebook account. Now, keep in mind this is probably temporary but let me explain why:

Number One: Facebook is a collossal waste of time.

Tell me... What do you do on facebook that is actually productive? You waste time looking at people pictures when you don't even know who they are. You waste time updating silly statuses which no one even reads, you search for new friends who you will hardly ever talk to. It has no real value. And no, I am not a bitter facebook hater. Infact I have had a facebook for 3 or 4 years and have liked it. But the more time I waste on it the more I realize how pointless it is. Go do some service project or something. (ok maybe not that extreme, but alteast actually do your homework when you get on the computer)

Number Two: It's addicting. We all know it.

I bet that the first thing most of you do when you open a new window of internet explorer is automatically start to type in facebook before you even realize that you forgot what you were doing in the first place you are sucked in. You just type in those 8 little letters and BAM you're a goner. You start browsing statuses and updates and picture and whose on. Then twenty minutes later you remember why you got on the computer in the first place. Crap. That 8 page essay is due tomorrow. Facebook has you so hooked though that you cant help checking it every stinkin' time you get on the computer. I'm no different. Even though my facebook is gone I still sometimes have the urge to go check it.

Number Three: It's distracting.

From homework, from children, from work, from real sociality ( I dont think that's a word... oh well) Enough said.

Well that's my two cents on facebook. We'll see how long my strike against facebook lasts and I will keep you updated on how it goes. We'll see if I'm more productive without it's distracting ways.
And here's the interesting part. When I told people I was doing this they were almost appalled that I would get rid of my facebook. I got the vibe that they all thought I was incredibly rediculous for not using facebook anymore. Interesting how society works huh?

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