Tuesday, February 8

Not so bad after all

This monday turned out not to be so bad after all.
I didn't watch gilmore girls because netflix doesnt have it online. Lame.
I also didn't make hot chocolate.
However I settled for Psych and homemade oreos instead. (YUM!)

I got my best friend.
But not my dog.
I definitely forgot about my homework. (except for the 10 pages i read in my Inca book)
Instead of homework i watched R.E.D. with my best friend and slept.
When i woke up the world was blanketed in white. 
One of my favorite sights ever =)


  1. I'm having a hard time understanding where the thought, "Hmmmm I should take some of these delectable yumminess cookies to Lindsey." didn't come to your brain.

  2. i'm sorry but 15 minutes is a long drive just to being some cookies up. =P
